art curatorial collective

Time Traveler

January 31, 2014 — February 28, 2014

Johalla Projects is very pleased to launch its 2014 programming with Time Traveler, a group exhibition comprised of both new and former gallery exhibitors. The exhibition will run from JANUARY 31 to FEBRUARY 28, 2014. An opening reception will be held on Friday, January 31 from 7-10pm.

Time Traveler is a collection of artworks that considers ideas about exploration (earthly or otherworldly), communication, and technology as culture. While “travel” implies movement, this exhibition aims to bring together works that survey strategies of both constant motion and constructed suspension. Together, these methodologies cohere as means to deconstruct and converse with more technical definitions of this abstract scientific theory.

In its barest sense, the concept of “time travel” dictates that history be likened to an experimental science. Here, the collected objects similarly dismantle the historical timeline and instead weave through it, allowing for multiple interpretations. They work as a visual fusion of reality and fantasy while investigating the historical roles of technology — both as subject matter and as tools for making.

The exhibition will feature works by:
Thomson Dryjanski
Ethan Gill
Nina Hartmann
Sean Lamoureux
Laura Hart Newlon
Lauren Payne
Joseph Rynkiewicz
Erin Washington

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